
Russian Volume Lash Course - weekdays
7 hours
This course includes a full kit and is suitable for those qualified in Classic Lashes.
A model will be required for your training from 1-4pm. Should you require help finding a model please let us know in advance.
Price: £350.00

Russian Volume Lash Course - weekends
7 hours
This course includes a full kit and is suitable for those qualified in Classic Lashes.
A model will be required for your training from 1-4pm. Should you require help finding a model please let us know in advance.
Price: £350.00

Mega Volume Lash Course
7 hours
This course includes a mini kit. A model will be required for your training from 12-4pm. Should you require help finding a model please let us know in advance.
Price: £350.00

Lushlift Course (Lash lift & tinting)
3 hours
This course includes a full kit and is suitable for beginners. A model will be required for your training for the last two hours of your course. Should you require help finding a model please let us know in advance.
Price: £250.00

1-2-1 Mentoring - Lash Extensions (2 hours)
2 hours
The mentoring will include practice on a mannequin head, no live model and working on the areas you wish to practise on.
Price: £100.00

1-2-1 Mentoring - Lash Extensions (4 hours)
4 hours
This mentoring session is designed for Lash Artists who have completed a Classic or Russian Volume lash course. will include practise on a live model. This will include practising technique, the areas you wish to work on and also practise and demos on a live model. You will be required to bring your own model. Should you need assistance finding a model we can arrange one for you.
Price: £200.00

Classic Beginners Lash Extension Course - weekends
7 hours
This course is designed for beginners and includes a full kit.
You will require a model for your training day from 1-4pm. Should you have any difficulty in sourcing your own model we can arrange one for you, please do get in touch.
Price: £300.00

1-2-1 Mentoring - Lash Extensions (3 hours)
3 hours
This mentoring session is designed for Lash or Brow Artists who have completed a Classic or Russian Volume lash course. will include practise on a live model. This will include practising technique, the areas you wish to work on and also practise and demos on a live model. You will be required to bring your own model. Should you need assistance finding a model we can arrange one for you.
Price: £150.00

Brow Lamination Course (with kit)
3 hours 30 minutes
Includes waxing and tinting
Price: £350.00

Brow Lamination Course (no kit included)
3 hours 30 minutes
Waxing and tinting included
Price: £225.00

Henna Course (no kit included)
3 hours 30 minutes
A model will be required for your training from 2-4pm. Should you require help finding a model please let us know in advance.
Price: £225.00

Henna Course (kit included)
3 hours 30 minutes
This course includes a full kit. A model will be required for your training from 2-4pm. Should you require help finding a model please let us know in advance.
Price: £375.00

Highly Defined Brow Course
3 hours 30 minutes
This course includes a full kit & is suitable for those with & without experience. A model will be required for your training from 1-3pm. Should you require help finding a model please let us know in advance.
Price: £250.00

1-2-1 Classic Beginners Course
6 hours
This course includes a full kit. This course is suitable for beginners. A model will be required for your training from 12-3pm. Should you require help finding a model please let us know in advance.
Price: £400.00

1-2-1 Russian Volume Course
6 hours
This course includes a full kit. This course is suitable for those qualified in classic lash extensions. A model will be required for your training from 12-3pm. Should you require help finding a model please let us know in advance.
Price: £450.00

1-2-1 Lushlift Course (Lash lifting & tinting)
3 hours
This course includes a full kit. No experience is required for this course. A model will be required for your training for a two hour period. Should you require help finding a model please let us know in advance.
Price: £350.00

1-2-1 Mega Volume Course
7 hours
This course includes a mini kit. This course is suitable for those qualified in Russian Volume Lashes.
A model will be required for your training from 1-3pm. Should you require help finding a model please let us know in advance.
Price: £350.00

1-2-1 Highly Defined Brow Course
5 hours
This course includes a full kit. This course is suitable for those with and without experience.
A model will be required for your training from 1-3pm. Should you require help finding a model please let us know in advance.
Price: £350.00

Classic & Russian Combined Course (2 day course)
7 hours
This course is suitable for complete beginners. You will learn the theory as a beginner but will qualify in Russian volume only. This course enables you to skip the classic training and jump straight into volume lashes. A full kit worth around £150 is included.
Price: £650.00

Pre-made Course
5 hours
This course is suitable to those who have completed a classic beginners course and looking to create volume with the use of pre-made fans.
A full kit is included. Should you need to do a classic course beforehand, check out our available dates and book that prior to your pre-made course.
Price: £250.00

1-2-1 Mentoring (3 hours
3 hours
This mentoring session is designed for Lash Artists who have completed a Classic or Russian Volume lash course. will include practise on a live model.
This will include practising technique, the areas you wish to work on and also practise and demos on a live model.
You will be required to bring your own model. Should you need assistance finding a model we can arrange one for you.
Price: £150.00

Russian Advanced Course
7 hours
This course is designed for those qualified in Russian Volume Lashes however looking to advance their volume skills and learn more advanced techniques.
Price: £350.00

Brow Wax & Tint Course
3 hours
This course includes a full kit & is suitable for those with & without experience.
A model will be required for your training. Should you require help finding a model please let us know in advance.
Price: £175.00
Premade & Classic Combined Course
11 hours
Price: £450.00
1-2-1 Mentoring - Brow Services (1 hour)
1 hour
Price: £50.00
1-2-1 Mentoring - Brow Services (2 hours)
2 hours
Price: £100.00
Ultimate Beauty Course
8 hours
(This course runs over a selection of days)
Price: £1,999.99
Brow like a boss
10 hours 30 minutes
This course includes wax & tint, highly defined, brow lamination & henna brow treatments.
Price: £999.00
1-2-1 Mentoring - Lash Extensions (1.5 hours)
1 hour 30 minutes
The mentoring will include practice on a mannequin head, no live model and working on the areas you wish to practise on.
Price: £75.00
Lash like a Queen!
10 hours 30 minutes
This course includes classic lash extensions, russian volume, premade and lashlift treatments.
Price: £999.00
1-2-1 Classic & Russian Combined Course
6 hours
This course is a 2 day course. Please book in your classic date & our team will be in touch to arrange your day 2 training
Price: £6.50
1-2-1 Mentoring - 3 hours (Lash Extensions)
3 hours
Price: £150.00
Brow lamination & henna combo course (kit included)
5 hours
Price: £725.00
Brow wax & tint & Lashlift combo
5 hours
Price: £400.00
Brow wax & tint & Brow Lamination Combo course
8 hours 30 minutes
Price: £450.00
Classic Beginners Course - weekdays
with Lushlash
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